Chicagoan Francesca Folinazzo (Frank) founded Roots Music Rambler as a music and travel blog in a pre-pandemic world. COVID killed events and travel plus her desire to play her banjo. Falls texted her in 2023 and said, 'Let's bring it back as a podcast!' He was raised on John Prine, babysat on Waylon Jennings and taught to drink and cuss the proper, mountain way. He hails from Pikeville, Ky., the birthplace of Dwight Yoakum, whose annual festival is Hillbilly Days.

Tom Segura and Joy Oladokun are playing Louisville for Jason Falls’s birthday?

Happy Birthday to Falls! On the latest episode of Roots Music Rambler, he explained how his favorite comedian (Tom Segura) and musical artist (Joy Oladokun) are playing Louisville JUST FOR HIM this weekend.

(At least that’s what he’d like to think. Still, it’s conveniently cool.)

In addition to birthday banter, Frank and Falls interview the magnificently talented Leah Blevins and have great picks for the Pickin’ the Grinnin’ segment. (Episode drops tomorrow morning!)

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Roots Music Rambler’s hosts name their top Artists, Groups and Newcomers for Americana Music in 2024

The latest episode of Roots Music Rambler is the 2024 Year-in-Review. The pair discuss the artists, songs, albums and events that made 2024 one of the most fruitful years in music history.

Frank and Falls unveil their top honors of the year in this segment. To dig deeper into the Top 10 Songs and Top 10 Albums list, listen to the full episode here on YouTube, at or wherever you get podcasts.

#2024yearinreview #2024inreview #2024inmusic #americanamusic #albumoftheyear #albumoftheyear2024 #musicpodcast #rootsmusic #countrymusic

What songs were in Jason Falls’s Top 10 for 2024?

On the latest episode of Roots Music Rambler, co-hosts Frank and Falls recap 2024 by sharing their top albums, songs, artists, groups and newcomers of the year.

In this clip, Falls talks about a few of his top songs of 2024. Hear all the picks by listening to the full episode at or wherever you get podcasts.

#2024yearinreview #2024inreview #2024inmusic #americanamusic #albumoftheyear #albumoftheyear2024 #sierraferrell #musicpodcast #rootsmusic #countrymusic

Francesca Folinazzo’s Top Americana Songs of 2024

The Year-in-Review episode of Roots Music Rambler is chock full of good recommendations and controversial opinions. Frank and Falls share their top albums, songs, artists, groups and newcomers for 2024 and plenty of discussion was had.

Frank did a nice, concise job of listing her top songs of the year in this clip. To hear the rest and subscribe to the show, visit or search for the show wherever you get podcasts.

#2024yearinreview #2024inreview #2024inmusic #americanamusic #albumoftheyear #albumoftheyear2024 #musicpodcast #rootsmusic #countrymusic

Roots Music Rambler’s Top 10 Americana Albums for 2024

The latest episode of Roots Music Rambler is the 2024 Year-in-Review. The pair discuss the artists, songs, albums and events that made 2024 one of the most fruitful years in music history.

Frank and Falls unveil their picks for top 10 albums for the eyar in this segment. To hear the top 10 songs and top honors of the year, listen to the full episode here on YouTube, at or wherever you get podcasts.

#2024yearinreview #2024inreview #2024inmusic #americanamusic #albumoftheyear #albumoftheyear2024 #musicpodcast #rootsmusic #countrymusic