Chicagoan Francesca Folinazzo (Frank) founded Roots Music Rambler as a music and travel blog in a pre-pandemic world. COVID killed events and travel plus her desire to play her banjo. Falls texted her in 2023 and said, 'Let's bring it back as a podcast!' He was raised on John Prine, babysat on Waylon Jennings and taught to drink and cuss the proper, mountain way. He hails from Pikeville, Ky., the birthplace of Dwight Yoakum, whose annual festival is Hillbilly Days.

Country star Kimmi Bitter talked about finding her voice in retro country

On the latest episode of Roots Music Ramber, Kimmi Bitter talks about finding her voice and admits she discovered hers through a long process of trial and error. She talked about her new album Old School and the recent explosion of retro country sounds.

Hear the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Kimmi Bitter says her great branding is all her, which is common for indy artists

On Friday’s new episode of Roots Music Rambler, hot new country star Kimmi Bitter talks about her new album Old School and its sudden rise to popularity. She also talked about how independent artists often wear all the hats in their musical career and how she came to be her own marketing agency, too.

Hear more when the episode drops Friday at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Kimmi Bitter talks about the sudden success of Old School

The new darling of old school country music Kimmi Bitter joins Roots Music Rambler this week. The new episode drops on Friday. In it, Bitter talks about how the sudden success of her debut album, Old School, was a long-time coming.

Frank and Falls also debate whether audiobooks are indeed reading and share experiences from recent music festivals in Chicago and Madison, Ind.

Get the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe today!.

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Of all his various titles over the years, Larry Webster loves “lawyer” the best

Larry Webster has been a newspaper columnist, songwriter, mountain music expert, musician, entrepreneur, politician and more. But his favorite title over the years is lawyer. He and his wife Cheryl joined us on Roots Music Rambler to talk mostly about the music parts of their lives as connectors and contributors. But Larry loves his role as an attorney.

Hear the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.

#rootsmusic #mountainmusic #folkmusic #americanamusic #musicpodcast #musicinterviews #traditionalmusic